Simulation Output

Project Summary

Project Code R-R-A-731\6-2007 E
Project Location Wadi Al Dawasir
Climate Zone Zone 1
Project Type (New or Existing) Existing building
Typology Apartments -
Built-up Area 400 m2

Performance Summary

Energy Efficiency Label Class Achieved I
Energy Use Intensity (EUI) - SBC 0 kWh/m2
Energy Use Intensity (EUI) - Design 83 kWh/m2
Energy Use Relative Index (EURI)
Points Achieved -∞
Performance of Lighting Systems (PLS) -∞
Performance of Building Insulation (PBIn) 0
Performance of Airconditioning Systems (PACs) NaN
Airconditioning Load Performance -∞
Overall Performance of Airconditioning Systems (OPACs) -∞
Annual Energy Consumption with Evaporative Cooling NA kWh
Annual Energy Generated by Rooftop Solar PV 28200 kWh
Annual Energy Consumption with Rooftop Solar PV 5012.2 kWh
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV (EUI) 12.5 kWh/m2y
Energy Use Intensity with Evaporative Cooling (EUI) NA kWh/m2y
Overall Performance of Air Condioning with Evaporative Cooling (OPACS) NA kWh/m2y
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV and Evaporative Cooling (EUI) NA kWh/m2y
Total Annual Energy Use for SBC 0 kWh
Total Annual Energy Use for Design 33212.2 kWh
Total Cooling Demand Design 9.6 kWh
Total Cooling Demand SBC 0 kWh
Scenario Points EUI Label
Solar PV NA NA
with Evap NA NA
with Evap and Rooftop Solar PV NA NA

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