Simulation Output

Project Summary

Project Code R-R-TH-247-1911 E
Project Location Riyadh
Climate Zone Zone 1
Project Type (New or Existing) Existing building
Typology Traditional House - Rectangular Shape
Built-up Area 400 m2

Performance Summary

Energy Efficiency Label Class Achieved D
Energy Use Intensity (EUI) - SBC 96.3 kWh/m2
Energy Use Intensity (EUI) - Design 90.6 kWh/m2
Energy Use Relative Index (EURI) 94.1
Points Achieved 6
Performance of Lighting Systems (PLS) 150
Performance of Building Insulation (PBIn) 107.2
Performance of Airconditioning Systems (PACs) 100
Airconditioning Load Performance 16.1
Overall Performance of Airconditioning Systems (OPACs) 16.1
Annual Energy Consumption with Evaporative Cooling NA kWh
Annual Energy Generated by Rooftop Solar PV NA kWh
Annual Energy Consumption with Rooftop Solar PV 0 kWh
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV (EUI) 0 kWh/m2y
Energy Use Intensity with Evaporative Cooling (EUI) NA kWh/m2y
Overall Performance of Air Condioning with Evaporative Cooling (OPACS) NA kWh/m2y
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV and Evaporative Cooling (EUI) NA kWh/m2y
Total Annual Energy Use for SBC 38517.5 kWh
Total Annual Energy Use for Design 36227.5 kWh
Total Cooling Demand Design 8.2 kWh
Total Cooling Demand SBC 9.8 kWh
Scenario Points EUI Label
Solar PV NA NA
with Evap NA NA
with Evap and Rooftop Solar PV NA NA

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This report is prepared by Environmental Design Solutions Private Limited [EDS] for the DAR Engineering (DAR) and Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC). This report is part of the “Development of a Building Energy Simulation Tool & EUI Building Rating Project [REF: DB 121]” project.

This report has been prepared for the purpose set out in Terms of Engagement between EDS and DAR and is solely for the use of SEEC and DAR. Information contained in this report is current as at the date of the report and may not reflect any event or circumstances which occur after the date of the report. This report is an outcome of the best efforts and technical judgement of EDS. EDS does not accept any duty, liability, or responsibility to any person or entity in relation to this report.

  1. Energy Efficiency Labelling Summary
  2. Project description
    1. Area Statement
    2. Floor Plans (as modelled)
  3. Simulation Parameters
    1. Building Envelope
    2. Lighting and Equipment
    3. Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
    4. Onsite Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
  4. Analysis Results
  5. Annexure 01: PBIn, PLS and PACs Calculations
  6. Annexure 02: Detailed Model Inputs
    • Project Details
    • Envelope Details
    • Lighting Setpoints Details
    • Equipment Details
    • HVAC Details
    • Fractional Operating Schedules
      • Occupancy Schedule
      • Lighting Schedule
      • HVAC Schedule
  7. Annexure 03: Detailed Model Outputs
AEC Annual Energy Consumpation in kWh
BGA Building Gross Area
CDD Colling Degree Days
COP Coefficient of Performance
EEI Energy Efficiency Index
EER Energy Efficiency Rao
EFLH Equivalent Full Load Hours
EPD Equipment Power Density
EUI Energy Use Intensity
HDD Heang Degree Days
HVAC Heang Venlaon and Air Condioning
IT Informaon Technology
kW Kilo Was
kWh Kilo Wa Hour
Label EUI for New Buildings
LPD Lighng Power Density
Lu/w Lumens per wa
MEPS Minimum Energy Performance Standard
QR Quick Response Code
Ra Color Rendering
SASO Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organizaon
SBC Saudi Building Code
SEEC Saudi Energy Efficiency Center
SHGC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
SRS Soware Requirements Specificaon
Tool Simulaon Tool
PACSn or PACSe Performance of AC System (n - new buildings and e - exisng buildings)
PBIn or PBIe Performance of Building Insulaon (n - new buildings and e - exisng buildings)
PLSn or PLSe Performance of Lighng System (n - new buildings and e - exisng buildings)

Auto Sized : System capacity calculated by the software based on user inputs.

BGA : Building Gross Area is the total building area in square meters excluding parking area.

EUI : Energy Use Intensity is a global indicator and it’s calculated by dividing the total yearly consumption over the total area, and for the purpose of calculating the EUI for Saudi Arabia, the formula shall account for parking areas as illustrated under clause 3.1.2. (of the RFQ document). Thus, the general EUI formula for Saudi Arabia shall be determined during the development phase of the simulation tool.

EURI : Energy Use Relative Index is measured by dividing the estimated EUI as per the design submitted by design office for new construction, or a default value set depend on age of the building or an audited actual data submitted by authorized auditor for existing building, over the estimated reference EUI as per the requirement of SBC (601-602) and it is calculated as follow:

Eq. (1)

EURIn = 100 X EUI Design/ EUI ref or EURIe = 100 X EUI default or audited/EUI ref

PACS : Performance of A/C system is measured by dividing the estimated PACS as per the design submitted by design office (end-user) or a default value set depend on age of the building, or an audited actual data submitted by authorized auditor for existing building over the estimated reference PACS as per the requirement of SBC (601-602) and it is calculated as follow:

Eq. (2)

PACSn = 100 X (1- PACS Design/ PACS ref) or PACSIe = 100 X (1- PACS default or audited/PACS ref)

PBI : Performance of building insulation is measured by dividing the estimated PBI as per the design submitted by design office (end-user) or a default value set depend on age of the building, or an audited actual data submitted by authorized auditor for existing building over the estimated reference PBI as per the requirement of SBC (601-602) and it is calculated as follow:

Eq. (3)

PBIn = 100 X (1- PBI Design/ PBI ref) or PBIe = 100 X (1-PBI default or audited/PBI Ref)

PLS : Performance of lighting system is measured by dividing the estimated PLS as per the design submitted by design office (end-user) or a default value set depend on age of the building, or an audited actual data submitted by authorized auditor for existing building over the estimated reference PLS as per the requirement of SBC (601-602) and it is calculated as follow:

Eq. (4)

PLSn = 100 X PLS Design/ PLS ref or PLSe = 100 X PLS default or audited/PLS ref

1. Energy Efficiency Labelling Summary

  • Project Code
: R-R-TH-247-1911#E
  • Project Location
: Riyadh
  • Climate Zone
: Zone 1
  • Project Type (New or Existing)
: Existing building
  • Typology
: Traditional House - Rectangular Shape
  • Built up Area
: 400.00
Energy Efficiency Label Class Achieved D
Energy Use Intensity (EUI) - SBC 96.3 kWh/m2
Energy Use Intensity (EUI) - Design 90.6 kWh/m2
Energy Use Relative Index (EURI) 94.1
Points Achieved 6
Performance of Lighting Systems (PLS) 150
Performance of Building Insulation (PBIn) 107.2
Performance of Airconditioning Systems (PACs) 116.1
Annual Energy Consumption with Evaporative Cooling NA kWh
Annual Energy Generated by Rooftop Solar PV kWh
Annual Energy Consumption with Rooftop Solar PV 0 kWh
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV (EUI) 0 kWh/m2y
Energy Use Intensity with Evaporative Cooling (EUI) NA kWh/m2y
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV and Evaporative Cooling (EUI) NA kWh/m2y

2.Project description

  • Project Code
: R-R-TH-247-1911#E
  • Project Location
: Riyadh
  • Climate Zone
: Zone 1
  • Project Type (New or Existing)
: Existing building
  • Typology
: Traditional House - Rectangular Shape
  • Number of Floors
: 1

2.1 Area Statement

The project space types and areas are categorised in the table below:

Table 1 : Area description

Floors Occupancy type Area (sqm)
Ground Residential 400
Total Residential 400.00

3 Simulation Parameters

The Baseline Building was developed based on the prescriptive requirements of the Saudi Building Code 2019. The Proposed building has been modeled as per actual design. Following are the parameters considered for simulating the Baseline and the Proposed buildings:

3.1 Building Scope

Table 3: Comparison of Envelope Parameters

Component Baseline Design Proposed Design
Wall U value (W/m2·°C) 0.56 0.793
Floor Slab U value (W/m2·°C) 0.496 2.37
Roof U value (W/m2·°C) 0.262 0.511
Roof Reflectance %
Fenestration U value (W/m2·°C) 2.382 2.673
SHGC 0.251 0.251
VLT 0.251 0.251
Window to Wall Ratio % 13 13
Shading Devices None None

3.2 Lighting and Equipment

Parameter Units Baseline Design Proposed Design
Interior Lighting PowerDensity (W/ft2) W/sqm 10 5
Equipment Power Density W/sqm 2.5 2.5

3.3 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Units Baseline Design Proposed Design
Primary HVAC system type NA Split Split
Cooling Capacity kW Auto sized (Calculated by software)
  • Floor#1 : 18000 * 2
Fan Power kW/CFM
Cooling Efficiency EER
  • Floor#1:11.8
  • Floor#1:11.8
Evaporative Cooling Yes/No/NA NA NA
% Area served by Evaporative Cooling % NA NA

3.4 Onsite Solar Photovoltaic (PV)

Parameter Units Baseline Design Proposed Design
Onsite Solar PV Yes/No/NA NA Yes

4 Analysis Results

End Use Units Baseline Design Proposed Design Energy / Demand Savings
Heating - General Electricity [kWh] 6569.3 10502.2
Cooling - General Electricity [kWh] 16104.5 11881.1
Interior Lighting - General Electricity [kWh] 3998.9 1999.5
Exterior Lighting - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Interior Equipment - General equipment Electricity [kWh] 3554 3554
  - Refrigerator Electricity [kWh] 617.4 617.4
  - Washing Machine Electricity [kWh] 289.6 289.6
Exterior Equipment - Water-heater Electricity [kWh] 7383.7 7383.7
Fans - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Pumps - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Heat Rejection - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Humidification - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Heat Recovery - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Water Systems - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Refrigeration - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Generators - General Electricity [kWh] 0 0
Total Annual Energy Use Consumption (kWh) 38517.5 36227.5
Energy Use Intensity (EUI) kWh/m2yr 96.3 90.6
Energy Use Relative Index (EURI) Ratio 94.1
Achieved Label Class A to I Scale D
Performance of Building Insulation (PBIn) 107.2
Performance of Lighting System (PLS) 150
Performance of Air Conditioning System (PACs) 116.1
Annual Energy Consumption with Evaporative Cooling kWh/yr
Annual Energy Generated by Rooftop Solar PV kWh/yr
Annual Energy Consumption with Rooftop Solar PV kWh 0
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV (EUI) kWh/m2y 0
Energy Use Intensity with Evaporative Cooling (EUI) kWh/m2y NA
Energy Use Intensity with Rooftop Solar PV and Evaporative Cooling (EUI) kWh/m2y NA
Annual Energy Use Consumption
Energy Consumption Breakup by End Use
Proposed Design
Baseline Design

5. Annexure 01: PBIn, PLS and PACs Calculations

Performance of Building Insulation (PBIn)
PBI Design (KW) 28136.9
PBI Baseline (KW) 30315.7
PBI 107.2
Performance of Lighting System (PLS)
PLS Design (KW) 2000
PLS Baseline (KW) 4000
PLS 150
Performance of Airconditioning Systems (PACs)
PACs Design (KW)
PACs Baseline (KW)
PACs -16.1

6. Annexure 02: Detailed Model Inputs

Variable inputs

Project Details
Envelope Details
Surface Type Opaque Element Construction Assembly U-Value ( W/m2K )
Walls, Above-Grade 0.9
Walls, Below-Grade 0.9
Floors 2.4
Roofs 0.6
Fenestration Fenestration Type Fenestration Assembly U-Value ( W/m2K ) SHGC ( % ) VLT ( % )
Vertical Glazing 2.7 0.250
Skylight 4.3 0.360
Opaque Doors 2.8
Lighting Details
Space Type Area Lighting System Type Number of Luminaires Watts / Luminaires
Equipment Details
Equipment Number of Equipment Year of Installation Annual Consumption per Unit
Refrigerator 2 2019 307
Washing Machines 1 2019 288
Water Heater 7 2019 1049
HVAC Details
Floor #1
HVAC Type Year of Purchase Capacity
Number of units Efficiency unit Efficiency Air flow rate
Fan power
Fan control Pump power
Pump control
Split 2019 18000 2 11.8

Fractional Operating Schedules

Occupancy schedule
Hours Weekdays Weekend Holidays Summer Design Day Winter Design Day
1 0.97 0.8 0.8 1 0
2 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0
3 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0
4 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0
5 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0
6 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0
7 0.7 0.9 0.9 1 0
8 0.4 0.9 0.5 1 0
9 0.2 0.9 0.5 1 0
10 0.2 0.6 0.5 1 0
11 0.2 0.4 0.4 1 0
12 0.2 0.4 0.4 1 0
13 0.2 0.6 0.4 1 0
14 0.4 0.6 0.4 1 0
15 0.4 0.6 0.4 1 0
18 0.6 0.5 0.5 1 0
17 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0
16 0.4 0.6 0.5 1 0
19 0.6 0.5 0.5 1 0
20 0.7 0.6 0.5 1 0
21 0.7 0.6 0.5 1 0
23 0.8 0.7 0.7 1 0
22 0.8 0.6 0.5 1 0
24 0.9 0.8 0.7 1 0
Lighting schedule
Hours Weekdays Weekend Holidays Summer Design Day Winter Design Day
1 0.033 0.033 0.033 1 0
2 0.033 0.033 0.033 1 0
3 0.033 0.033 0.033 1 0
4 0.033 0.033 0.033 1 0
5 0.033 0.033 0.033 1 0
6 0.066 0.033 0.066 1 0
7 0.066 0.033 0.099 1 0
9 0.066 0.099 0.099 1 0
8 0.066 0.033 0.099 1 0
11 0.066 0.099 0.099 1 0
10 0.066 0.099 0.099 1 0
12 0.066 0.099 0.099 1 0
13 0.066 0.099 0.099 1 0
14 0.066 0.099 0.099 1 0
15 0.066 0.099 0.099 1 0
17 0.198 0.198 0.165 1 0
16 0.198 0.198 0.165 1 0
19 0.231 0.132 0.165 1 0
18 0.198 0.198 0.165 1 0
20 0.231 0.132 0.231 1 0
21 0.264 0.132 0.231 1 0
22 0.264 0.264 0.231 1 0
24 0.132 0.264 0.132 1 0
23 0.198 0.264 0.198 1 0
HVAC schedule
Hours Weekdays Weekend Holidays Summer Design Day Winter Design Day
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1
7 1 1 1 1 1
5 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1 1
9 1 1 1 1 1
10 1 1 1 1 1
11 1 1 1 1 1
12 1 1 1 1 1
14 1 1 1 1 1
13 1 1 1 1 1
15 1 1 1 1 1
16 1 1 1 1 1
17 1 1 1 1 1
19 1 1 1 1 1
18 1 1 1 1 1
20 1 1 1 1 1
21 1 1 1 1 1
22 1 1 1 1 1
24 1 1 1 1 1
23 1 1 1 1 1